Services Offered By Kyber Corporation

A person cleaning a desk


Sometimes, messes get out of control. One thing goes wrong and disaster occurs. And big messes can mean big attention. You need those out of control spills to be taken care of before they become a problem.

Let Kyber Corporation clean up that mess for you. Our professional Cleaners can go to any location and remove the tough stains and garbage and leave the place spotless. And with the Discretion Package, no one will ever know they were there.

A security camera image painted on a wall


The world is a dangerous place, and a person as important as you or even your company deserve the finest in protection. Defend against the threats that come your way or preemptively take them out before that can do you harm.

The Kyber Corporation takes matters of Security very seriously. Our team of highly trained professionals can make the dangers out there disappear, giving you peace of mind. Our Discretion Packages ensures that any threat is taken care of quietly.

A security camera image painted on a wall

Public Relations

Sometimes your public is tarnished, often due to circumstances byond your control. Opinion turns against you and you feel there is nothing that you can do to make it right. You think you do the rights things, like giving to charity or visiting an orphange.

That is where our Public Relations department can help you. With their comprehensive program, they can make sure everyone knows about the good work you are doing, projecting to the whole world your qualities. The Discretion Package makes sure that your closet stays closed, because nothing could hurt you more than what others have stored in there.